
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Color studies

since i painted this without any presketching with a pencil its a tad wonky but i love all the greys and blacks made with tranparent colors

I did from Making Colors sing by Jean Dobie a few weeks ago...just had not had time to post them....since the EDM list has been talking about her books lately i thought i would postthe first one is using transparent colors to make a color run next still using transparent colors combining opposites on the color wheels to make greys these...and more using opposites to make greys and blacks...

I did a small rough copy of one of her pictures using only transparent colors...mostly Daniel Smith colors and this is what i got...

i think it really glows...the point of the transparent colors is to let the paper SHINE thru and it really does on this one...looks like there is a light behind least to me it does


  1. Beautiful color mixes!! I love this!

  2. Who knew gray could be so interesting!!! I love your sketches!

  3. Thanks! That book has been on my list for a while now. I really like how your house painting turned out.

  4. Very interesting charts and nice study. I have that book but found it a little advanced for me when I got it. Looking forward to going through it when I'm ready.

  5. Your posts always make me want to find a class and learn! The painting is beautiful, and there's certainly a great light in it! Great colors too. Are you missing winter time?

  6. I really like the contrast of the pearly grays and that yellow. Nice study.

    Belated congrats on your 1000 postings - now that's a feat!

  7. You've got it, girl! I have Jeanne Dobie's book, and this looks just like her work. The colors are amazing. Great job!

  8. You know, I think you may have painted the buildings standing up straight - but, because the transparent colors change the way the light behaves- the light actually bends around the verticals making the lines appear to be "a tad wonky" this is a lesson for us all when learning to work with transparent colors! Thanks Margaret

  9. Anonymous3:14 AM

    A lovely painting. Beautiful greys and some complementary stuff happening there. I have Jean Dobie's book - even though I'm not a watercolour artist. I wish I had more time.....
