Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Well we had play day today�will post pics on my blog shortly�we drew faces for our Patti Medearis Cullea TOMES we are all working on�last week you might remember we went to a workshop at Jan Girod�s Fiber on a whim( in Atlanta..acutally Sandy Springs�got a bag full of goodies to start our books I mean TOMES off with�everything we needed but the fabric�

Today we practiced faces�7 of us drawing around my kitchen table�we found that more heads were better than one when trying to show the others exactly what we learned�next time we are taking better notes�.and then I demoed fantasy/snippet fabrics using bonash and misty fuse, and showed the ones who missed class how cool the tyvek leaves were�and of course all the ones who had not made it to the workshop last week ooheeeddd and awed�as much fun as shrinky dinks the first time you see them�
This is the beginnings of my tome scanned...I think I need to work on the first and third faces some more...or maybe its just the dress??? the dress is handdyed fabric..mine I think and the stuff on the front is fantasy on to see how it was looks much better in person than it does in the picture Posted by Picasa

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