The fabric i cut up for it ..Kaffe Fassett Kimono print...was yummy as it was so WHY did i cut it up? Whack it up would be a better word for it...the kimono pattern is one of my favs of his fabs...especially the orange one but this one was a great price $4 a yard off the hancocks paducah discount it for a back BUT now its a front!!
An upclose look at all that piecing...would like to say precision piecing BUT i am sure that as soon as i do that someone will find SOME place i did not exactly match the points
piecing all these long rows together so all the points will meet ...pinning pinning pinning...dont like to least not precise pinning...need to go to branums to get some more of those super thin glass head pins they sell because they bend if you breathe on them but do such a great job of pinning...This quilt is all my friend Judy's fault...she was cutting one out at our guilds winter quilt retreat...and i do love i had to try one...well hers is long since done ...mine is inching toward completion...maybe by next winter retreat?
Anyway about this quilt top this pattern is from the One Block Wonder book...its made entirely from 3 3/4" triangles sew into pinwheels or kaleidoscopes...then you have to use a design wall to lay it out...its finishing out about 6.5 feet long...not sure how wide YET...still sewing those rows an hour a row and 24 rows it will take a couple of more days...if i dont do anything else...right now i would rather sit on the back porch under the fan in the rocker reading my email on the lap top than go upstairs and sew...maybe a machine on the back porch???
sorry the pictures are not better...guess i should have signed up for the photo festival workshops!
Maggie - your quilt is going to be wonderful - the hours of work going into it is just amazing to me- I like the sketches with the view finder especially the hydrangea -- I LOVE the socks I used to spin & weave and fine merino wool is simply delicious
The original fabric is lovely but it is Kaffe Fasset's not yours. It looks as though the kaleidescope quilt is keeping the tone of his fabric but it's your interpretation now! When you see your quilt spread out or hung you'll feel a lot better than if that fabric was still folded up in the bin waiting for that perfect project.
Perfect stitching should include a bit of off kilter stitching (just a bit mind you, don't want sloppiness) as we are people doing the stitching, not robots.
I don't usually have much quilting to show on my blog but I've got my grandmother's quilt up right now if you care to see it another here and the last here .
I came over here from EDM and enjoyed my visit.
It's looking good. I cut one out over a year ago... it is still sitting in that state.
TEDIOUS quilt (lol) having done many a quilt myself I can relate (and still feel the crater in my middle finger from hand quilting) but boy oh boy is this ever gorgeous!!!! Do you quilt them up by hand or machine, or ties?
Your quilt is looking great and you have chosen such beautiful fabric. Hang in there with it I'm sure the end result will be worth it.
Niki from EDM.
oh, that DOES look tedious. but cool! and think how good you'll feel when it's accomplished!
Interesting blog! Nice drawing and paintings, great information. Would that UTE product possibly work to waterproof watercolors to avoid framing with glass?
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