how many more days are left??? I was actually freaking out today thinking i had left this sketch at work...and my moleskines...thinking HOW can i go a WHOLE weekend without them..heading to graduation...aka hooding in law school tomorrow...and didnt want to have to go and pick all THREE moleskines up..the kids were "reading them" today...this is in my small wc moleskine...After school i taught a couple of the kinderkids how to draw people and they really did a stellar job...wish i had brought them home to scan for you...these kids drawings are really outstanding...even compared to older kids in the school....
This is a sketch of the wiggle worms wiggling waiting for lunch...finished it up while i was supposed to be at lunch..drawing is much more slimming than eating:> Watercolor in my small moleskine...they are sitting on a bright primary colored rug waiting for everyone to finish washing up for lunch...drew the figures first and then the background...when they had left for lunch...the three little girls in this picture have turned into quite the artists...drawing loads of pigtailed girls...with butterflies and flowers...the fifth graders would LOVE to draw like they do!
Maggie -- you can see just how much these children mean to you -- your love shines right through those beautiful strokes!
Margaret this sketch is delightful, full of colour and warmth.
Do you use watercolour pencils to break the surface of the moleskin paper, your washes don't look like they have any trouble adhering to the page?
I love this scene. Lovely images.
Margaret, just got your reply to my previous question re: moleskins...Thankyou for your quick and personal response! :)
What a lovely scene, and so sensitively captured!
Cute! I just love the colors!
Thisis a really nice one, Maggie.
You're all going too fast for me with "Everyday in May"...
You are really doing great with your washes - love the one of Emily as well as the wiggle worms wiggling...(that was a tongue twister!)
This is a great picture. They all look so happy and ready to GO! The colors you used are great too.
God, Maggie, this is really great! The colors are beautiful and your kids sitting there have so much life in them. This is a great painting.
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