Quilt de jour...the object of our drive...our fabric acquisition...our cutting madness!! Diagonal Madness from Country Garden Quilt book by Kaffe Fassett and friends

Judy, my table mate and quilty friend's awesome quilt...dark rich colors with pops of lime and turquoise

This one is mine....i had not cut one piece of fabric at 10 am...but i did bring almost every scrap of Kaffe that i had....and thats quite alot....i madly cut all day long...slapping fabrics on the wall...we were told to bring 36 fabrics...12 in each of three color ways....i rarely sat all day long...cut and iron and slap the fabrics on the wall...and then take them down when they didnt work...cut some new ones and do it again!! And YES it was alot of fun!!
If i remember right..he called my quilt a happy quilt...

Here is our color guru..the guy we all came to see...driving miles and miles....and he was well worth the trip....this is the tan design wall that he likes NOT a white one...for those of you who dont know alot about Kaffe...hes originally from Big Sur Ca and moved to London at age 29...started in the art world as a painter of interiors full of china and textured fabrics...moved on to fabulous needle points and the worlds most awesome knits...a self taught knitter he knocked the knitting world out with his book Glorious Color around 1990...his books are eye candy...lush fabulous settings for his art work...and his knits are art...
around 1998 or so Liza Lucy once another knit designer talked him into doing a patchwork book and the quilt world saw a new superstar born with his Glorious Patchwork...since then hes gone on to write around a dozen quilt books and establish Westminster Fabrics fabrics full of the glowing colors and textures hes known for...you can shop his fabs at
And so it begins....This quilt was supposed to have a strong vertical row of four patches and a diagonal rows of 4" squares....sounds easy but it wasnt...Darks were to run DOWN the quilt...i managed to get mine running ACROSS the quilt...till our fearless leader gently pointed out my mistake..opps...
He asked us to do two things ...not to talk or help each other with colors....and to listen to the tips that he and Brandon gave us...and use them...These two guys were working hard...and they will be in Atlanta today and tomorrow at Intown...call fast ...maybe there is still a spot in the Diamond class!

Brandon Mably, Kaffes assistant and a Rowan/westminster designer in his own right...he studied at the Kaffe Studio and was really quite helpful...
Kaffe and Brandon wandered around the room...helpfully offering suggestions on how to improve the quilts...picking out fabrics that MIGHT work better....and usually did....Kaffe did ask us to go with thier tips...after all thats what we paid for....and he was right...all of the quilts were just wonderful!!

As you can see hes QUITE tall...I would say over 6 feet..but as short as i am its hard to tell:>

strong verticals in this quilt

Kaffe says he likes quilts that are all about the color NOT ...also said his quilts would never win a a quilt show because he is not about the quilting of them....This quilt was supposed to have a strong vertical row of four patches and a diagonal rows of 4" squares....sounds easy but it wasnt...

The room was huge and a terrific huge well lit space for the number of people in the class and facilitating the class.....run by
Dragonfly quilts in Watkinsville and a few doors down from their SO charming shop...people carried our chairs around....brought us drinks if we needed one...they treated us like princesses...thanks Deb, Debora and staff...

These are pics of the class review...at the end of the class he does a walk thru of all the quilts making comments on how and why they worked...possibly how they could be improved BUT always postive in his remarks...

trying to get done for class review... and here its is done...no more holes!

THink this one was one of his favs...it is gorgeous....

Our neighbor working hard....mine is on the left and Judys is on the right...now someone tell me HOW did they keep their table neat....on the right...and look at my pile on the left....sigh...well i never said i was neat...poor judy...i told her if i covered her side...shove it back!

my neighbor in the corner...interesting combo of non Kaffes....we worked hard in this class..cutting and trying out new fabrics...racing right till the three oclock class review....no one wanted to disappoint the teachers!!

Some people had neat tables...a secret i did not discover all day....wait my fabs still crammed in the car:> not folded i mean CRAMMED

Nary a scrap on this table...maybe they have cleaned up?

strong vertical rows

A consult from the color guru

Kaffe called this one a red white and blue quilt...i get the red and blue but? HMM white...guess its in the details?!

Yummy golds!

Lots of contrast....

strong vertical rows

more strong vertical rows

love the colors in this one
Thanks for the review of your class and ALL of the pictures. What a great opportunity and the quilts are fabulous.
Almost as good as being in class! How did you ever get all your "pieces" home? Or is that another use for the photos!
:-D eirdre
What a fabulous review of the class, Maggie, my table-mate! Didn't we have fun putting all those colors together, yet separately. They were excellent teachers and I would recommend them to anyone wanting to work with color!
Thanks for the post. I love Fasset colours and quilts and have quite a selection of his fabrics. I have only done 3 quilts so far but am working on two more at the moment with lots more planned.
It must have been an amazing and wonderful experience! I'm sure you're swirling with new ideas!
Wonderful to do a class with him. I went to a talk he gave in Sydney about 20 years ago. Yes, he is tall and he was a hunk then.
Came upon your site through EDM. The journal video was interesting and what a bonus to see the quilts the day after attending our quilt show in Sacramento. You're a woman after my own heart!
so much lovely fabric. what an experience!
It is very interesting for me to read the article. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
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