Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 42 - Blogpress

I have been using Blogpress on my iPhone to start my posts for the last 42 days. It's not exactly user friendly. Usually I go back into the post on my laptop and format it but since I forgot my laptop at home I can't. Sorry!!

Some of the things Blogpress does that annoys me. It sometimes will not accept a pic for no reason that is apparent. It refuses to upload them period. "Failure to load" message = a royal pain.

I did discover you could take pics using Blogpress. Normally it will upload those but you can't crop the pics, can't use a rectangle so the pics don't look good. And it seems to take blurry pics when you use it.

It also won't maintain spacing between the photos no matter how you try. There has to be a better product. I hope to find one.

Autumn haiku I wrote recently when an acorn hit the steps. Lettered with my Kuratake pens brush marker and my gold Zig Wink of Stella brush marker.
Painted with watercolor in my moleskine. The Wink
Of Stella markers are a lot of fun. Very sparkly.

Obey all the rules!
Lettered with my Kuratake pens brush marker and my green Zig Wink of Stella brush marker. Painted with watercolor in my moleskine. Washi tape borders.

Today is a Gift.
Lettered with my Kuratake pens brush marker and my gold and green Zig Wink of Stella brush marker. Painted with watercolor in my moleskine.

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