These two group art projects were my favorites!
DOUBLE CLICK ON THE PICTURES TO MAKE THEM HUGE...as in click ONCE click TWICE!!Meredith and I went to the
Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation a few weeks back to drop off her painting which had been excepted in their spring juried show,
Southworks. There was some awesome student artwork on display in the gallery. Here are pics of some of the art work....rally some amazing stuff..it seems like an art teacher makes the difference in the quality of the student work.

Glue and chalk - second grader

A kindergartner ..pretty good huh?

Tempura paint blown thru a straw -second grader

Animals of one sort or another...birds i mean! Second grade, clay and tempura

A shot across the gallery

A shot across the gallery 90 degrees from the last one!

Prints and ink - Kindergarten

Intrepretations of American Gothic - Seventh, Eighth grade

Crayon and watercolor paint - third grade

Inside wall of gallery

The MaD HaTtEr'S HaT, a stack of TeaCuPs and the book AlIcE in WoNdErLaND:>
I'm so impressed by the art created by the children. I hope they can hang onto that creativity as they grown up. Good shots of the gallery. I haven't been out there to see that show--wonder how long it will be there? Mad
Hate that I missed this....especially since it is just a few miles from my house!!!
By the way, I enjoyed using the Portfolio pastels in a recent project...thanks for teaching me about them!!!
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