Youngest son and I just got back from a walk...found this snake in the front yard...crawling thur the remains of the St. Augustine...anyone know what kind of snake it is...if the grass had finished growing back we could not have seen it...its about 4 feet long. Black Racer or is it my others son escaped Indigo King Snake...what ever it is we watched him slither off into the woods in the front yard...he never tried to bite or do a thing....just laid there till we walked off...
The pic made me VERY grateful the snakes in our back yard are the diameter of my little finger and only a foot long...we have red racers and although they move quite quickly... when I chance upon one when mowing the lawn...I am faster ;)
Sure it's not rick rack? Guess I have never seen such a squiggly snake.
Probably the escapee...indigo king snake is related to the racer. He's quite pretty but I'm glad he's in your yard and not
The pic made me VERY grateful the snakes in our back yard are the diameter of my little finger and only a foot long...we have red racers and although they move quite quickly... when I chance upon one when mowing the lawn...I am faster ;)
Of course I know what kind of snake this is. It's the proverbial "snake in the grass" that you should avoid at all costs.
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