well there are actually two of them...These were taken from a picture I took last fall during a walk.....the first one i did on Sunday and worked on for hours....it was done with wc pencils...derwents and the second one was done quickly with Daniel Smith wc...i think i like the second one better...which one do you vote for??? BYTW I posted it on my laptop as wallpaper so i could see it while i was painting...in the meantime i was concentrating so hard on this that i missed a magnificent sunset!! ....now if i could just figure out how to stop it from trying to turn itself off because of disuse I would be set...
Maggie, this is a hard one as I think both are very beautiful. I can tell that you have taken much care in their creation but I have to say the the first one is my favorite. It has much more detail and darker darks which leads your eye around the whole painting. Keep up the good work
I love it! They are both so very beautiful!
These are spectacular, though I prefer the second one. I love your river paintings --they make me wish I could see it in person. The photos are great too.
To make your laptop screen stop turning off in Windows XP you can go to Start/Settings/Control Panel/Power Settings and tell it how long to wait to turn off the screen (including "never while plugged in"). Great
These are gorgeous Maggie - though I'd personally vote number 1. Its just that its the kind of style that I really like.
I like the second best only because I love vivid colors. It seems to have more life.
I love them both! I really like the water reflection in the top one and I really like the middle section...vibrant yellow and orange trees in the second one.
I always enjoy visiting your blog site and seeing what you are making!
I always like to check your blog to see what interesting things you are up to! I like both pieces...in the first one I love the water reflection and in the second one I love the middle section and the colours of the trees.
Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful work.
I love it.
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