Hmmm this did start as my yellow everydaymatters challenge...i was going to paint the squash...but instead it turned into more Summers Bounty...bytw i think its funny that the squash were the easiest part of this to paint...and WHY didnt i pick out some interesting really crooked summer squash??? OH well..these wc are getting expensive buying fruit and veggies to paint...better get them eaten:>
My questions...too much NOT like a watercolor...colors to dense??? TOO realistic??? or does that matter...and background...should there be one...this is about 14x11 Canson watercolor journal
Painted on wc paper with W&N wc and DS wc....div>
There are those GORGEOUS blueberries again. Yum! They look even more delicious next to those fuzzy peaches. Your work is amazing Maggie.
Oh - I got so caught up looking at all the wonderful fruit and veggies I almost forgot about your questions. I like it with just the folds of the tea towel framing the composition and no background. The negative space really balances the rich colors of the fruit.
Great job, Maggie - the peaches especially are really nicely rendered. I don't think there's any such thing as 'not like a watercolor.' You painted it in watercolor and so it is. I've seen watercolors that look indistinguishable from oils, really. It's all in the technique and there are a gazillion ways to use it.
And what's wrong with realistic either?
As far as background, I'd say that a darker bg would make the colors pop even more. But save that for the next one, this is lovely as it is. Your best one yet!
This is a great job. The fruit looks excellent. Whatever it is...a watercolor or not etc. It's a great painting... Congratulations.
Martine (Kunya)
Wow, this is really nice, Maggie. I agree about the negative space - don't touch a thing.
Wow Maggie, these are just gorgeous!!!! Wonderful wonderful!
Looks great to me. I especially like the velvety texture on the fruit with velvety skins. I don't think there's anything wrong with realistic either; it would be boring to always work in the same style anyway.
This watercolor is just luscious, Maggie. (You could be a cookbook artist. I'm hungry now!) It's really a wonderful piece.
Baaa, Baa, I'm one of the herd ading my admiration for this lucious painting. As for a background, you have a scan. Why not run it off on paper and experiment with backgrounds? I wonder if a green would punch up that red even more.
It looks perfect to me, I don't know when I've seen lovelier fruit. It looks so good withot a "background" but if you did one, I'd keep it at a very simple thing, like very light basketlike strokes, but only in some places.
I'm going to have to hot the peach sheds soon, also make blueberry pancakes!
Beautiful! Loosely realistic! Delicious! What time is dinner?
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Love your blog.. You're a very busy lady! Thanks for stopping by my blog too...
Karin (sisu)
That's a wonderful water color painting.
OH, this watercolour painting is beautiful, Maggie! I love it just as it is ~
Gawd, Maggie! This is beautiful! Gorgeous colors and comp.
wow! i must confess, maggie, that i am jealous of your painting of fruit!
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