Friday, August 31, 2007

Borders cafe


I DID TWO things i said i would never do...I journaled...full blown journaling and started making a book...yes got my sheets already to sew together tomorrow...more about that later...SORRY for the longish post but i really had an interesting afternoon! HUSH I hear you saying that SHE is surely easily amused:>

So i was hanging at borders today trying to make a choice of which of those lovely books i wanted to buy...i got the multimedia book by Harrison...ONLY purchase today though i did "read" another stack of books and somerset magazine today...bytw it has alot of GREAT halloween stuff in it for the halloween freaks...

MY bad i used ANOTHER 25% OFF Coupon on the book...did i say I LOVE those i get them in my computer inbox and Borders is RIGHT on my way home...WHAT a temptation!!! Got to stop...

BUT whilst I was sitting in my BIG comfy chair in the cafe(usually I sit in one of the chairs in the art section NOT the cafe) i noticed that all the people in there seemed to KNOW each other...what was going on....

I started sketching them surreptiously and oh my goodness these people come to the cafe for coffee and free reading all the time...then this guy sat next to me and asked if i minded if he took pics of this lovely girl with him...i told him who was I to object since i was DRAWING pics of all the people in the cafe! I do admit I do now have camera envy...he was using this big nikon slr that was snapping off shots...35 in less than a minute I WANT IT I NEED IT!!! WHY didnt i ask him what it was??? i could put it on layaway??? I could hmmm maybe santa will bring it??? NO you say...your kodak is good enough??? well its not heavy like that one but it does NOT hum like it either...

Back to the subject at hand...those people inhabiting the borders cafe.....there was some guy who was selling something to a woman who also knew everyone in the cafe....i didnt draw them...

There was a guy who was sitting by the window reading magazines...he had great hands and arms but he kept wiggling and rubbing his head and moving his arms around....I would take him off his coffee!! and he had a HUGE cup! Then there were two guys who inhabited the table right in front of me ...also into the free reading...I WOULD NEVER DO THAT...
I drew both of them...they are in the first journal pages at the top...i KNOW it should be with the post but I like to have a pic near the top...

Then this attractive older lady sat down with the wiggle worm...I think they are married...hard to tell..he walked off after she got there...finally showing back up half an hour kissing ...hardly any that a typical married couple??? and the poor guy on the LEFT page...was eating something fab looking and had to keep pushing his glasses up his nose...all the time reading the MATCH is that Paris it just called MATCH didnt look like it was in french but then i didnt get up to look....that would have been just tooo nosy...

After i got home i started coloring them and playing with the lettering and filling in the big empty backgrounds...journaling my day at borders...the quotes were from some of the free reading i had been doing earlier...would scibble ones i liked in my book...

DId i say i enjoyed it so much I am VERY tempted to go back...i am dying of curiousity to see if they will be at borders there a different crowd on the weekends than the weekdays??? A morning crowd??? An afternoon crowd??? An evening crowd??? I will research the subject and get back to me Maggie drawing at borders...


Lin said...

Maggie!! I LOVE your people images --- and the journal pages are wonderful!! But I almost spurted my coffee reading your notes!!! Geez, may I interest you in an anthro course? !!! LOL You've done what they trained us to do in anthro!! LOL And it IS incredibly interesting to observe people (yes, and ants, and bird behavior -- the world is truly amazing! LOL) -- and there is a sort of 'culture' group that seems to hang out at borders ... .can't wait to hear more!

Stephanie said...

I love Borders as well. Barnes N Noble too but they don't give out as many coupons, so I tend to go to Borders more. Anyway, I absolutely love your journal pages they look stellar!

juj said...

How did I miss the wiggle worms lady?!? She's amazing! I love the color, the texture, the sheer joy of expression in the whole thing. It's just awesome Maggie.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were truly inspired. Great sketches and I love the guy with arms and hands. Great pose.