Seeing red. Its a small quilt. Thirty inches by 54 inches or so without the tails. NOt sure about the donkey tails. Going to add some beads, some couched threads and a few more fun things to it. THis quilt is based on Dianne Hires Quilters Playtime. It definitely is the most fun I have had playing with quilts in quite some time. Bytw the two games in this quilt are hopscotch and pin the tail on the donkey.

I love this. Not sure why it affects me so, but instant emotional reaction and the need to examine more closely -- so thanks for the details.
The silk ribbon is lovely and would be such fun to play with.
I like this very much! At first I wasn't so sure about the "tails" at the bottom, but when I read your explanation of what games were shown in the quilt, they suddenly made sense and seemed like a fun element.
Love the binding!
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