Just returned from another walk and have decided these trees are either stunted oaks or river willows...not weeping willows...they grow on a really twisted tree...I was all set with the river willow till I found one growing across the street among the oaks...maybe its just a short oak..guess I will have to go get the tree book. And bytw you should see them with the late afternoon sun shinging thru them or on them...lovely...coming soon unless rain gets them.
When you first come in our neighborhood there is a row of Bradford pears...gorgeous this time of the year...look like snow with hints of

I love the skeletal trees and add a little spring

Red buds blooming and looking very oriental or at least they do to me...

Pine pollen fixing to burst out as they say down here...

shortly everything will be covered with green yellow pine pollen...like yellow snow

Turtles sunning on the logs in the lagoon...they ran away when I got close...did they think i was coming in the water to catch them?! These are painted turtles according to dh...
And then there was ONE!!

tiny violets...smaller than dimes...blooming all over the place...i would have missed them if I had been whizzing along in the car...more turtles on a log in the lagoon...every watchful...

And its just not spring without daffodils..even though these are getting past their peak.

you might wonder WHAT the guys pictures are doing here...they are 30 feet up in the air putting the center beam in the roof...you could NOT pay me...

Oh, these are lovely, lovely pictures. YOu are WAY ahead of Michigan weatherwise!! I LOVE the turtles on the log! That would be a great sketch!
You've got beautiful pictures! I'll have to second what Penny says about weather, though. We were almost in spring here in MN until Monday when we got hit with 10" of snow, then another 7" today! But it's really wet, and melting quickly (more or less), so maybe we'll see some of these signs of spring soon enough! :-)
WAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. I'm sitting here looking at that nasty white stuff coming down, and there are NO signs of spring here, nothing, nada. The grass is winter brown, no buds, no tiny spots of color.
However, in Oregon... where I am headed... that is another story. Yeah!
Beautiful! I can almost smell them. Thanks for sharing your spring with us.
Wonderful spring pictures! I am in LOVE with the turtle pictures most of all, how great to see so many at once with the little ones and everything.
Margaret -
Those strange trees you can't identify (with the pink blossoms) might be weeping cherries. We have a bunch of them up here in Asheville. Just a thought!
See you in a couple weeks!
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