Thursday, March 02, 2006

This is the other side of the accordion book NOT colored yet...needs some color doesnt it??? UMMM that will happen sometime today I hope...I call this the first side...I guess because when you unfold it with the covers in each hand MOST people look at this side first. I made up all the words on this side so that I wouldnt violate anyones copyright. The dogs are Charley, Jazz and Susie our three Jack Russells...Susie has crossed the rainbow bridge and is a puppy angel somewhere taking care of all those little Jack Russells like she used to do so WELL.... Posted by Picasa


Lin said...

This is wonderful, Maggie!! LOVE those accordian books!! And the quilt show in Charleston!!! WOWZA!! I used to live in Charleston, raised my kids on Isle of Palms -- love Edisto! What a great w/e for you!!! TAKE LOTS OF PIx!!!

Anastasia said...

This is really cool!! I like it without colour, makes it interesting!!