the to thread paint this..i know what to do the wonky house, the chairs etc...but the i thread paint their faces, legs and arms or do i leave them plain...just cant decide...what do you think...
It will get an wonky pieced edge on it...BUT I just cant decide what to do with the ladies....opinions please!
I'd leave the faces plain. I love the piece.
Guess you're out of school?? Our new school board got hustled in and they voted to NOT allow the students who had not passed to walk across the graduation stage. Good for them! Finally some with backbones. They had to have police to keep the parents at bay, and a couple of the members were accosted after the meeting. What a show!
But graduation is over, our grandson did pass and graduated and is off the the Marines in 20 days.
Would it detract from the figures? Would it make it too busy? Is it necessary? What are you sell here ... the figures on the porch, the tree in the background, or thread? Only do what will enhance the women, chairs, stool, and cats. Have you considered just French knot of colonial knot eyes? Seed-pearl eyes?
Oops. Forgot to mention your scene has beauty, interest, great color combination, charming style, etc. Love it!
This is charming. I would leave the faces. I love leaving something for the viewer to fill in with their own imagination. Leaving the faces blank is also consistent with some other fairly simple shapes in the piece. Are you familiar with the work of Susie Swan who is featured this month in Home Companion? I checked out her website and your work is a lot more interesting! Is this one of Jeff's drawings or your own?
This is really something - what an amazing quilt it'll make! I can't offer any quilting advice though...
Ohhhh I love this painting!!! Good luck with turning it into thread art. Can't give advice on this one. But I'd stay close to your original vision. Lovely!!!
This is delightful, not qualified to give advice, but I just love it as it is.
I love this Maggie, just as is.
I love this picture, it is charming, I would be tempted to leave the ladies plain, maybe some facial features but keep it simple. Whatever you decide on I am sure it will be lovely and look forward to seeing the quilt. Christine
What a great painting. I love the skewed perspective and the poses of the women. My first reaction when I saw it was to leave their faces blank. There is so much character in the scene itself that each viewer will project their own idea of a face onto the women. I just love this piece, there is so much charm to it.
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