Sunday, March 30, 2008


This is the best one...she was sleeping when i did it...

my sons pit bull Livia this weekend...shes very sweet..a little wild..its her first birthday...I made her stay outside the sliding glass doors when i did this fav is the one in the top right corner...she was looking down thru the rails of the deck at something in the yard below..after going in and out all morning hyperactive Livia FINALLY got tired! Her nose is a little long in this pic...she likes to sleep on Jazz our jack russells bed....and Livia can barely fit but she curls up into a tight ball and tries to fit it anyway...she wants to sleep in the princess bed...which is what we call Jazz when she sleeps in it!


Alan said...

Fine dog. Give her extra kibbles for being such a good model.

Anita Davies said...

Oh I love them all Margaret, fantastic work!!!

juj said...

so much lovely art since the last time I visited - those pear blossoms make me long for some real spring - but the sketches of Livia really made my night. What a sweetheart, full of mischief and so perfectly captured. If you ever get tired of playing nannie feel free to send her my way.

Teri said...

I love them all but that first one with her nose in the cushion is just too cute!!

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous! It's been a while since I visited and your drawings have really progressed since I was last here. Wonderful work!

Dana S. Whitney said...

My daughter has an "American Staffordshire Terrier" too. The only time he's not a mass of motion is when he's asleep. You did a great job.

E-J said...

These are super, especially the sleeping one!