Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lemon challenge

Lemons....and lemon water from Earthfare...these are really odd enormous lemons..the one on the right almost has a tripod under it from bumps on the lemon...and they are just huge...i was going to pick up a third lemon when i was at Publix today...theirs were half the size of Earthfares and they were not organic and they were NOT cheaper than the Earthfare lemons

OH about that cup...ummm i glued it on ...didnt like the big stenopad that was the right hand side before i added the grandmother is famous in family legend for cutting out an eye and adding it to a picture so i thought why not...well i can tell you why not...DONT use so much glue it oozes out under the cup!!:>


Cheryl Gebhart said...

Your lemons are beautifully done.

Unknown said...

nice drawing (and collage... love the cup idea. It makes the piece very dynamic)

no way said...

I cut things out and paste them into drawings I don't like too.

I wouldn't even have noticed had you not pointed it out! And nice lemons you drew there!

Ann Morrell said...

I use 300 pound watercolor paper...a little pricey as compared to 140 but you can erase mistakes, start all over. you can correct your mistakes..all of the teachers I have had...recommend using 300 pound because every painting can be fixed...I even cut up a 300 pound paper and made my own sketch pad with it,

Alan said...

Lemony fresh......

Linda Teddlie Minton said...

Beautiful, Maggie!

Vicky aka Stichr said...

Big lemons must be the latest fad because I have seen them mentioned in other blogs, interesting.

Ok, other interesting 'thing', your grandmother would cut out eyes and just glue them anywhere on a picture? [in my minds eye i pictured this woman carfully gluing cut out eyes over the 'red-eye' in older photos...]

Riley Pug & Lauren said...

I really like this. It has a nice feel. :)