Saturday, April 19, 2008

EDM Challenge 167:

Something that needs to be make a long story short...monday morning...the dentist, my cracked tooth and I will have a meeting...if i can just make it till then...its starting to get tender...

I cracked it a while back eating a piece of tough but good multigrain homemade bread. The tooth should have been capped but my dentist had chosen to fill it was a BIG filling that cracked off and took a large chunk of tooth with it...anyway when i went to MCG to fix it i got bp shot up to 160/110 so they could not do it ...evidently you can bleed to death if you have a tooth pulled(which is what they decided was the best course of an implant or a bridge) and your bp is up high...usually mine is 110/ i went home with the tooth still cracked and $75 lighter....worrying about the bp by the next day ..Saturday...i was coming down with a bad drippy(notstopdrip) cold possibly from stresssssss Sunday nite i had a fever of 101...i NEVER get a fever...went to the regular dr on Monday to get a note about my bp was no problem...i was more nervous than ever....pulse was ekg, one thyroid test, one STRESS test(they kept asking me if i had a problem...evidently they could not find one for $2000!!)...the dr told me not to drink or eat caffeine or chocolate because that was probably what was causing all the problems...told me to take my bp was consistently lower than 110/80!!!

...and several phone calls later i got my letter for MCG.....but no valium so my bp would not spike then the tooth was getting twitchy...did i say it was still NOT fixed....Finally on Thursday i got the valium...all SIX of them...called the dentist at MCG...first time they can see me is in a regular dentist not till monday...groan...soo lets hope that tooth behaves till Monday...then i will still have to go to MCG to see about the implant or a bridge...MCG charges half of what my regular dentist cost...WHERE is my Orajel...feels like the stuff the dentist uses to numb your mouth for the novocaine shot...MORE on this tale later!


Anita Davies said...

Sorry to hear you are in discomfort Margaret!

Sherry Pierce Thurner said...

What a nightmare! I also had a tooth break on a piece of crusty bread last week, but my dentist was in, and managed to rebuild it without much trouble. I hope your story is resolved well soon!

Anonymous said...

A tooth of the worst kind of pains to face. You chose a good subject though for the EDM.

Clare said...

Not envious of you right now! Hope all is fixed asap!

Linda T said...

This is terrible tale! Yikes, my tooth that needs a root canal is hurting in sympathy. Love the kids sketch where they are waiting.

Anetka said...

wow, what a story!!! i don't envy, i hate going to my dentist!!
btw great sketch:))