Sunday, April 13, 2008

more journal sketching

at lowes and taco bell...and then a movie i was watching today...needed to fill in the right side...from August Rush...bytw it was a great movie...great music...but DONT watch Darjeeling LTD ...gorgeous scenery of India BUT silly movie...

LOVE the sketches from lowes and taco bell...did you know that people stand still for a long time both at Lowes(paint department) and in the line at taco bell while you are driving thru the drive thru...what better opportunity to sketch people ...they are there in a glass fishbowl just waiting for you!!

but not the one from the movie...kept fiddling with them and then i forgot to put the highlights in their eyes...thier lips were too name it i messed them up...oh well...bytw these were all done with Faber Castell or Derwent WC pencils...and a sepia pen which died quickly...the brown was some fabric dye that i dyed the paper with before drawing on it...

update on the waffle house sketches...Anita had wondered how i had time to draw them AND do all that shopping...i actually drew them while i was in a meeting so they were done BEFORE the shop athon that day....

they had not been colored last you saw they are TWICE....first time there was no contrast with the picture background and the ribbon edge of the i recolored some of the blocks and made the ribbons in a better contrasting color...that $3000 check is trying to disappear AGAIN though...NO contrast there...NO i am NOT redoing it:>


Teri said...

I love it when people have to be lined up--like you, great sketching opportunities.

Here you were watching movies and we were watching you, or rather, the Masters :)

Margaret Ann said...

Well, that makes two of us here in Arizona who were thinking of you today while watching the Masters...what a small world! I'm glad you were out of traffic and having a good time sketching! Great journal them!

van dyke said...

Nice sketches. I'll have to remember that about Taco Bell and Lowe's - it's great when people can be still enough to draw. It's hard when the subject just walks away leaving you to complete the drawing from memory - but THAT presents a challenge in itself.

Clare said...

Great spontaneity Margaret & I enjoyed reading your journaling.

Sandy said...

What fun, creative journal pages!