Last Saturday Rachel and i went on a jaunt to Waxhaw NC just south of Charlotte and two miles from the SC state line to check out a Barnful of Quilts show in a horse barn at Fox Farms...what a lovely place it was....Perfect weather....Great quilts....a featured artist and Ellen Guerrant...there were tons of quilts for sale at rock bottom prices and ten or so really interesting vendors of just about any fine arts or craft...all to benefit the Waxhaw Presbyterian Church. More pictures can be seen at their website.
BYTW Waxhaw is also the birthplace of the famous Andrew Jackson, president of Tennessee fame. Theres a lovely downtown area with lots of interesting shops and small stores....did we stop? NO off we rushed to Mary Jos before it closed...

I finally got to meet the talented and ever so charming Ellen Guerrant in her horse stall doorway to her booth...she had a lot of lovely things...
If this is a barn I want to live has the best of everything!!
a horse and rider across the parking lot which was really a mown field.

They were hanging quilts and straightening quilts...maybe members of the Presbyterian Church?

alot of piecing!
another one block wonder which in case you dont know it is a TON of work!
but you can see better pics here
on the way home we got stopped for about TWO hours in the middle of I 20 at Hwy 1 near Aiken by the leviathan of a generator literally driving across the interstate. It was too heavy for the bridge so they drove it ACROSS the interstate...lucky us got stuck too far back to watch the show of the crossing BUT they laid down huge sheets of metal for it to cross the median and of course took the rails out of the middle...the enterprise took two hours...the huge generator required two trucks with fifty huge tires...driving from a port near Jasper SC to a Duke Power one knows if its nuclear or not...Toshiba made it and it looks like it will end up near the Duke Power plant in the upstate near Salem SC.
1 comment:
Dear Margaret,
Thanks for the great pix of your group's show, and also the Waxhaw show. You're right, the prices were way too low. I bought a lovely painting at a church rummage sale once that was priced at $1.00! I said "That's too cheap!" and gave the lady a fiver.
Linda Laird
Quiltart list
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