Saturday, March 30, 2013

Latest work

The problem with a blog is that you have to keep adding photos and typing...what if you have nothing earth shattering to say that day or that week or even that year...I can hear my friends getting a good giggle from all of those...but its easier to say than to continually write get out of the instead of writing i guess i will just post some photos of what i am working on...IF i can upload them from my photo stream...hope they are there!!

added some of my hand dyed raw silk and that terribly expensive yarn I got from Carol Taylor (YES $55 a skein is ExPenSivE!!) to this old ufo...i like it now...hmm i liked it before but now it just needs a back HURRAH!!

The iris are very large...done on kona pfd 54" wide with portfolio oils and caran d'arches II.  First the fun part... I drew the iris and wet them with a large haiki brush and let the colors run and blend...Try it...lovely drippy runny stuff...

Then I started the thread painting...I do love my new Janome Horizon BUT much thread is enough..


Thread painting on the leaves...

Another close up shot of the iris ...

Biggest problem with this is taming the curves into flat submission....i think the thread painting is largely done...

Now for the borders...that may take another two years of cogitating over them!!  Opps got to get a move on...has to go in the guild quilt show in October...or maybe i should enter it in Houston Show?!  We SHaLL SeE!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just keep showing pictures then!!! Love your work.