Since its my blogs birthday i am sending it this fiberart card that i made...hard to believe Maggieart is THREE today...i started this blog because i could not post a comment on a friends blog...and never started out to have a permanent blog but is been too much fun...this is also post 927 so soon i will be at 1000 posts...thats 301 posts in the last three years...i have to take a nap now...i just made myself tired...it is apropriate that by blogs birthday is in June...there are five more family birthdays coming this month...including three sons, my fav sil and my mil...
So i did a double page spread of our Saturday sketching adventure...they sure do NOT look impressive this wy...faded out and boring...i posted two because the first one was taken on our beige kitchen floor ...this one was taken on the butterscotch oak floor in the den with the same setting...notice how much bluer the lake is on the second one...strange!!
Congratulations, Maggie! I've been following your blog on and off for all three years and am always delighted with your colorful and lively artwork.
Woohoo! happy Birthday, Margaret's blog.
Happy Birthday!!
You have been one busy lady! Thanks for all your bright and cheerful posts...so fun to visit and sit a spell and enjoy your work and your stories! Congrats!!!! And 3 Big WOOHOO's for you awesome blog!
Happy blog birthday!
Love the sketching adventure spread :)
Happy 3rd Birthday, and I love this plein aire map you did. So cool!!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy blog birthday!
Lucky for the rest of us that you couldn't comment that one time....
Happy birthday to your blog, happy birthday to your blog, happy birthday dear MaggieArt (pause) Happy Birthday to you!
Happy third birthday, MaggieArt! I always enjoy visiting your blog.
Congrats on your bday! And, I just love the map thingy you did! What a cool idea!
Have a great June!
Congratulations on your 3rd birthday!! You don't look a day over 2 !!!
Happy blog birthday, Maggie! I always enjoy stopping by and seeing your lovely work.
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