Thursday, March 30, 2006

Paulownia trees

My friend Betty Ann sent me this pic of the tada Paulwonia tree...evidently it has a heavenly smell like angels trumpets...or she said it did...
SiouxCity Sue(YEAHHHH SUE) sent me this link..and this is the kind of tree I have been seeing...evidently they can grow to 30 feet in a few years...imagine the surprise of this homeowner when the tree grows straight up 30 feet...TA DA...this is a smaller version of the big trees that I have been seeing...I do believe its a paulwonia...the trees I have been seeing have been limbed least I think thats what it is...all the ones on the net are so full they dont look like these trees do...just bracts of flowers on the ends of the branches.. Posted by Picasa


Sue Seibert said...

Beautiful tree. I found this on the net...don't know if it is the same or not:

dogquilter said...

cool your drawing too...