I have three
Charles Reid books and have been reading them today...and decided to try out his process....i do wish i had taken better notes whilst i was reading ...which ones did I read??? Painting What you want to see and Watercolor Secrets...both great books...i also have his flower book but did not reread that today... He lists the exact papers he uses and where you can buy them as well as his fav paint brushes(sable) and watercolors (Holbein) all bought from
the first one is my idea of What a charles reid style foot would be BEFORE i read his books today...oh I painted it in odd colors and then had fun letting things drip and splattered it after that...then i found some pearlescent Daniel Smith WC when i was cleaning up one of my palettes and had to add that...and generally BROKE ALL of Charles Reids rules...this foot is pretty scary...looks like it has frost bite:> or maybe its on a dead person?
the last ones are the
contour drawing of my foot that he suggests is the start to figure drawing...my foot is actually not that fat but since i was playing by his rules....i kept the shape

.and the last one is the one i painted from this contour sketch starting with darks and working toward lights...and eliminating some of the details but not alot...I also tried to make one edge of my foot blend into the rest of the painting...and it really made the highlighted part pop didnt it??? I also worked in sections instead of all over as i would normally do...so that i could work wet in wet ...and i tried very HARD NOT to go back and correct anything....my foot was on the coffee table on top of a pile of magazines and books i have been reading...while i sat on the sofa...hmm nope make that my foot was resting on the coffee table? well you get the idea...had this image of my foot chopped off on the coffee table...lol...

Hmm I really like this foot what do you think..but then i like the first one too in a wierd way...but this one is the best right???
I like both...the first one is very special though.
Hi Maggie. This foot looks really great. I love all the splattering, and the colours, the blue (is it cobalt?) Just beautiful!!
OH YES!! You've captured his style gloriously!!! LOVE IT!
I like both feet...the first does look more in the Charles Reid style minus his usual color palette and the second is more interesting because it is laid in a setting and you did a nice job with the values.
Best in what way? I don't think it's possible to compare like that. Although I think that the dark lines are just a bit too heavy in the top one, I agree that it has something special and i think there's a beauty and uniquness to it - like the foot has just been lifted out of water
Yes, I agree. You can't compare the two and put a value judgement on them as they are both very different. Is the second one closer to what you were going for? Then perhaps it is "best" in the context of that. But they both have qualities that are special. The composition of the second one is very interesting and the value differences are lovely. But using cold colors for the human form is something that is so outside what we are accustomed to, it makes the first one very appealing, and ironically there is something about the lines and all the splotches combined with this unexpected use of color that enhances its humanity. It's strong and flawed and beautiful just like all of us.
Can definitely see the Charles Reid influence here! I love all the paint splatters in the first - and the blueness of it. The second is an interesting comp, though.
I like the first one as a tonal study and the last as more realistic colours. ;-p
second one is more my taste...your link is incorrect.
I got it in a few seconds by googling. :)
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