and for those of you who are counting..theres another sketch but its only half way done...really bad...or should i say scratchy...will finish it up tonite and post it tomorrow...anyone who has ever taught school KNOWS that the last week of school is just hectic crazy and exhausting...we had a cookout picnic for the kindergartners today...i fixed the hotdogs BUT I drew the line at parents who said i want ketchup mustard and relish ..not even a please...told them adults fixed their own...and sweat was dripping down our faces in the hot bald sun.....not too sanitary...but they were only looking at the hotdogs....
Jazz sleeping on the sofa...and i joined her as soon as i put my paint brush down!!

These are some drawings from my after school class: a purse

Wonderful drawings! I love the sleeping dog. :)
Your painting of Jazz is great! The colors and shading are really nice.
I really love your drawings of the dogs. I also like the colors you tend to use. Very vibrant.
That painting of Jazz is just amazing. You are so good with a brush. And the colors. Hope you're recovering now that school is out. These are wonderful sketches, especially that one of the purse. Your figures look so natural. I love looking at your blog.
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