Inspired by Linda Minton...thats a new word for these jewels:> here are a few more...with the new heat gun...quit while i was ahead...Diana Feit suggested that if this one died i should go get a GUY one from the hardware store...good idea..thanks Diana!!
Most of these were made by rolling up straight strips of paper and then adding some bulky yarn to them...to make them look like lampwork ...well kind of sorta...the only thing i dont like about them is the ends...they are not stacked evenly so the ends look odd and would need to be covered with something else like another bead.
I glued these with tacky glue which for the most part seemed to work..except one that slid inside and i had to push the insides back in...
What else...OH the one on the bottom is made with one layer of diamond glaze glue...pretty but not nearly as cool...guess i could try adding some more tomorrow...and i dont know how the pearl ex would work with that...
Darn i forgot to try angelina fibers AGAIN....Nite to all...
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