Wednesday, May 05, 2010

So i have not been on line in a while...too busy posting to fb

First some eye candy for you!!
An awesome Camel at the Lyndon House Arts Center in Athens GA...i thought you could read the sign so did i write the name of the artist down...NOPE....its made entirely of a jillion cigarette butts....and is huge 8' or so...

Capmans old Ford pickup entirely covered with beer bottle caps collected from Athens GA...not hard to do since there are 40 bars in downtown Athens alone! At the OCFA...Oconnee County Arts Festival last weekend....

so heres a little of what you have missed today.... and

As some of you know we have been sewing at my house every Wednesday lately...come on yall are invited....we had a lovely lunch of quiche and strawberry pie and raspberry sparkly fizzy stuff from Earthfare...YUMMM and cup cakes....

ok so how is this quilt related...Maureen was admiring the oldies but goodies and wondering where she could find the same....and i said can do your own channels...any kind of music so you always have something to listen too...AND I can get rid of Michael Jackson and Wayne "Fig" Newton and his Danke Shein...i am sure i spelled that wrong....and never have to listen to them again...EVER....REALLLY dont like Wayne and not to fond of Michael either....and i ditched a couple of the more up to date songs from Glee...never to be heard again unless i add them back...WHOOOHOOOO...

I play my tunes thru my Netflix Roku box...heaven....Bose is blasting away right now....

OK so then theres some of you may not know Maureen is the internet queen for thrifty quilt shopping. She found the ruler for the one patch wonder on and theres free if you are patient and wait for an offer....or next to nothing of $2 if you have to have it NOW like alot of us do!!

WHAT else did you miss besides the quiche, strawberry pie and that yum raspberry sparkly stuff from earth fare...OH the earthfare coupon this week....from their email $5 and get a free bar of 8.8 oz South of France soap...WOOOHOOO again....

And Senior Discount day at Gurosiks our favorite ORGANIC strawberry place is Wed...$1 off your strawberries....and other organic veggies...YUMMMY....

Dont forget to sign up for the deals at or the coupons at Earthfare at!

SEE you all next week OR NOT:>

1 comment:

Sue Seibert said...

Hey, Margaret, just dropping in to say hello!