Monday, September 25, 2006

Two new sketches(EDM Challenge 83?)

well I did take time out of my sewing to draw a little...the cat settled himself onto my lonestar quilt top...which was just short of heresy...I had spread it out in dhs recliner to look at it and darned if the little thing didnt hop into the middle of it..I have been religiously gaurding it from cat and dog hairs...not easy to do in this house...because it is actually a FLAT lone star which is something of a major coup in itself...and its dark fabric which picks up all kinds of hair and lint...BUT Tom saw it as fair game.

I dont really like this picture alot ..its really never been finished...could not figure out what to do about the tiny cat...then duh realized a couple of days later I should have turned the moleskine the other way and made Tom bigger and the dominant theme of the picture and the quilt smaller...then I would have finished it...of course no matter how hard I try he wont stay on the quilt to "repose" for the to use our favorite chinese restaurant for my store front...its part of an old 60s shopping center that has been revamped....the awning is my favorite flower store....hate to think of how much we have spent at both of them...this was a VERY quick sketch done while waiting for middle son impatience...less than 5 minutes since he would not let me finish when he got there...SOOOO I will let you it ok to use if for edm challenge 83??? what do you think?!


Lin said...

Maggie!!! SO BEAUTIFULLY DONE! Really really neat!

Teri said...

Neat sketches Maggie!! The store looks so interesting.

Desiree's Designs said...

I love your storefront, I want to add some resturants to my sketchbook too! We just had one of our shopping centers do a remodel to the 50's artdeco look, very cool.

Jana Bouc said...

Of course it's OK! It's a very charming sketch and sometimes the quick ones are the most expressive.

Jana Bouc said...

Oh...I didn't realize both pics were in the same post. About the kitty on the quilt. What is it with cats anyway. When I make my bed they go crazy and won't stay off the clean linens long enough for me to even get them in the right place and of course fresh laundry is their favorite place to sit!

heidi said...

I missed your sketching and drawing the last time.
Nice that there are new ones.
Heidi Stegehuis