Wednesday, April 23, 2008

School sketch

Faculty meeting...took notes while i drew a panoramic sketch of the teachers at the meeting.. which makes this a journal right:>

the teacher on the left was sitting across from me and the cup was right next to me...which is why they are soo big compared to the rest...had this odd thought when i looked at this two teachers in teh middle are very stiff looking to me compared to everyone else...but they are usually mad about something and i think i picked up on that when I drew them...they were stiff because they were not relaxed and did not want to be there...well at least that is my story and i am sticking to it!!


Alan said...

Serves them right for being fuddy duddy angry teachers. Bah humbug

Margaret Ann said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I can so relate to this post ...after 35 years of teaching middle school and 35 years of faculty meetings...Ooooh How I wish I were journalling then...although I do have to admit...oftentimes my meeting notes were COVERED in various doodles and sketches!!! :) This is an awesome post...wonderful youthful faces...Hopefully with happy hearts...not yet darkened by the "System"...Love this! :)

Anonymous said...

this is GREAT!! My advice to new teachers is always to sit in the back and keep their mouthes shut as well as to have paper and pen and to nod and scribble once in a while so it looks like they're really paying attention...*L*

Dave said...

Glad I'm not the only one that likes to draw the other attenders of the many interminable meetings I have to attend, though I've never attempted anything that elaborate! Fun, and nicely observed.