Margaret and I - YES thats right... TWO Margarets took off for Atlanta about 8 o'clock last Saturday morning bound for the High Museum of Art on Peachtree Road to see the Louvre exhibits and Georgia O'Keefe exhibit before they left.
This page is about our day in Atlanta....we had a great time...got to the museum and parked in the garage because it looked like it was going to pour rain...Pink ticket is our parking ticket...we went to the O'Keefe exhibit first...well it was NOT really just O'Keefe but rather the Women of the Stieglitz circle...while most of the art work of the "other" women was at least interesting there were quite a few pieces...3-5 that our kids at school could have done a better job of...the O'Keefes were wonderful and varied...mostly her early stuff...NO clouds no western landscapes but plenty of flowers and leaves to keep the O'Keefe fan happy...we just wished there were MORE O'Keefes and LESS of the other ladies...a room of Stieglitz' photos of O'Keefe were also included...some of the famous hand shots of course.
We also went to the was it TRANSactions: COntemporary Latin American and Latino Art exhibit ...a wide variety of art...some awesome stuff and some stuff that we wondered about like a tapestry of a walmart receipt that was probably ten feet tall ...so accurate it even included the barcode!!! All done in computer font...fascinating mixed media journaling ...commentary on life as a Hispanic in America.
After that we went down to the lobby to go to the Louvre exhibit and met my son Drew and his girl friend Leeanne...The Louvre and the Ancient world exhibit was my favorite...an awesome enormous statue of the river god Tiber... colossal in size...10-12 feet long easily...of the reclining god...unbelievable to think that it and its mate the River God Nile were found under ground when a house foundation was dug in Rome...there was another HUGE bust of Marcus Aurelius' cocouncil in the Josephine part of the exhibit that also found that way...we thought it might be a great idea to go to rome with a shovel and start digging!!:>
It truly was amazing to see artifacts that the Empress Josephine had owned...some 5-6000 years old...just little baubles she decorated her house Malmaison with!!! Oil lights from Herculaneum as well as a series of frescoes of the Muses, Roman Etruscan and Greek pots and urns ...some just enormous...things no private citizen would own now...
After that exhibit we wandered thru the rest of the museum past our favorites...the Huge plastic collage(20 feet long at least) New Figurations by Tony Cragg made entirely of old bits and pieces of aged and broken plastic...and a photograph of a head made up of junk collected from all over Rio (i think). The artist laid it out on the floor of a hangar and photographed it ...wheel chairs in the collage were about 4" high in a massive face about 8 feet tall...coke cans looked like dots on his face...
Next we were off to see the till our starving stomachs over came us and drove us out to ride up Peachtree to Ted's(Turner) Montana Restaurant to eat some of the best BUFFALO burgers EVER...we ate every bite ...how i have no idea...
Drew drove us back to the museum to get our car where we all parted company....we shopped the gift shop before we left...i bought an O'Keefe show poster and the drawing book of the first Louvre show(read it was 50% off and deal-full of awesome sketches)
On to Pearl Paint where we bought alot of paper and oil paint...swearing we were going to get together to paint every week this summer...and then have a show called the TWO MargaretS:> catchy name dont you think??? The help at Pearl was fabulous..and neither of us broke the bank there....
then it was home again home again with a pitt stop at the diner on Peachtree for diet coke to revive us ...where we drolled over the fabulous pies and cakes....back down Peachtree to Ponce de Leon to Decatur to meet Drew and Leeann at the coffee shop Dancing Goats ...Margaret needed coffee...and that was it...we had a blast...and are coming back for more...to see the rest of the museum...really a gorgeous building with fabulous work..as Drew said he just liked being in the building!
What a great day! I'd love to have joined the two Margaret's at that museum. Haven't been to Atlanta in a long time and still miss it.
But Dancing Goats???? :0
Love your pages!
Whew!...you two Margarets totally wore out this Margaret in Arizona by my just reading about your Atlanta adventures!!! What a whirlwind tour! Fabulous!!! And wonderful journal post to document your activities! :) WOO HOO!
What a fabulous day and a fabulous page entry to match!! And how does everyone get that cute square Every Day In May stamp on each entry??
What fun! Enjoyed reading about your day and seeing your journal page!
what a gorgeous day you had! and beautifully recorded too. Can't wait for the Two Margarets show!
: )
Well, if it hadn't been on a Saturday I could have waved at you two out of my office window. I'm in the large 55-story Bank of America plaza at the corner of North Avenue and Peachtree, one block down from Ponce de Leon and the Fox Theater (the BOA Plaza is the one that looks like it has the Eiffel Tower on top). So you were tracking all around my work neighborhood. You had to go right by the building to get to Ted's Montana Grill. My home neighborhood is in West Atlanta, out past Six Flags.
I'm so glad you had a good trip - And hope we managed good weather and a warm Atlanta welcome for you!
Gypsy Gold Studio
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