Monday, September 08, 2014

Day 64 - Erica again!


Continuing to work on refining the painting I call Alex though it's really Erica. Hope you are not bored with her yet because her sirens call continues.

Art guild meeting tonite and am hoping I leave her further refinement till tomorrow.

I stayed up til about 1 am last nite working on her. Never a good idea at my age. Gone are the days when I could stay up late at nite and get up and go in the morning.  No more 1 am painting!! At least til next time. :)

So exactly what did I do to her? Lightened the shadows on her. Refined her upper arm, shoulder and the breast. Worked on the hand and fabric. Looking better but still not there.  Her head should actually be tilting away from the viewer to her left...mine does not tilt enough.  More needs to come off her upper arm, her shoulder and her back.  Tomorrow!!

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