Monday, January 05, 2015

Day 185 - a little coloring and a little journaling

One think about doing black and white sketches is that it's like making your own coloring book.  Speaking of which time to get busy coloring some of those key west pics. Last nite I drew some and colored some. 
Think this looks a lot better colored. Love the bright yellow background. The white in Danny's sideburns was done with white correction tape. I like the effect!   I went over the letters with my Pentel brush pen. 
A few happenings in my life yesterday. Watching CBS Sunday morning with my sons dog Livia. She kept trying to ignore me. I took my grandson the last of his Christmas yesterday. The toolkit was a hit. He and his dad are fixing things around the house together. He LOVES hanging out with his daddy.  Most of the letters are done with my Pentel brush pen.

And then I watched Downton while I colored my coloring book. Irresistible not to draw some of the denizens of Downton. Odd poor Miss Hughes looks all wrong yet she looks like herself. 
That's it for tonite. Most of the letters are done with my Pentel brush pen.

Thanks for looking. 

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