click on the pictures TWICE to see the pictures up close!
Illes big birthday was May 16th and we made her a birthday quilt...we do that for members of our bee when they turn 50 or 60...
Hers is from the Kaffe Fassett Quilt Romance and was designed by Kim McLean. Its all needle turned applique using Kaffe Fassett fabrics...
We decided it should be called All Kaffe All the Time!
26 or 27 people contributed to this quilt in one way or the other....some people bravely tried applique for the first time ever...and the results were spectacular!!
Special thanks go to Connie Burleson and Maureen Massey for organizing, to Marie Atkinson and Shelvy Miller and Kay Lawrence for doing the center...
Quilt admiring!
I think its a BIG hit!
Margaret Wesley made her a delicious Birthday cake...we need the recipe!!! It involves mandarin oranges cool whip coconut...yum
Blowing out the candles!
What a lovely tradition! Do you have a cap on membership in your group? ;o)
Really lovely! This is spectacular especially for so many women working on it.
A true gift of love- wow, lots of work, but it turned out great!
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